Keefe Sencen Idolization Wiki
This role-play shows Adrienne's life history.

Adrienne's history starts with her parents' marriage. She is the daughter of Linh Song and a man named Kreton Lee. Kreton is a Mesmer, and is a year older to Linh. Linh never ended up changing her surname, and their child's surname was hyphenated; Adrienne Lee-Song

Adrienne's early days were filled with joy and happiness, and what with her parents doting on her, and being the child of powerful elves, she lived a life of luxury. But it all ended when she manifested. Not the first time though, the second time.

Once Adrienne manifested as both a Mesmer and a Beguiler, her parents knew this was unusual. Usually similar abilities did not appear together. So what was it with their child that made her unlike others?

At first, when presented to the council, the matter was shooed away, like a fly being swatted. However, when Adrienne got angry, then the council had something to say about it. She had been mad that another Foxfire student was misbehaving and destroying the field trip for her fellow students, and she both mesmerized and beguiled him at the same time, causing him to act somewhat mad.

Now, with their ears perked up, the council made plans to punish her. But Linh, knowing what had happened to her in the past, stood up for her daughter. It was enough to keep Adrienne in the Lost Cities, but now she had no privacy. Zilch. None.

Now, guards followed her everywhere, shadowing her to the ends of the earth to watch her. And the worst part about it? Linh and Kreton couldn't do anything to help their daughter. And all because of one offense. One.

Though Adrienne is now aware of her abilities, she didn't turn into a power-hungry monsters like others would. But her personality was permanently damaged.

Now, instead of going around with her friends everywhere, she tried to avoid others, for fear of hurting them somehow. But don't mistake this for her becoming an introvert. She was still very much in touch with her very best friends.

Chapter One: The Marriage

ThoseWhoWanderAreNotLost »» Wiki Owner »» Narrator

♦ "Down the long lanes of my future, I see what no other has set eyes on..." ♦
Hail Me

The first chapter of this enthralling story shall be when Linh Song and Kreton Lee marry, the event that started it all.

Linh Song »» The Girl of Many Floods »» Hydrokinetic

♦ “I became the Girl of Many Floods. And after too many mistakes, my parents had no choice but to let them banish me.” ♦
Hail Me


Kreton Lee »» Helpless Government Official »» Emissary

♦ "I am so powerful in the elvin world, being an emissary and all - and yet I have no power when it comes to my daughter, one who needs me very much." ♦
Hail Me


Chapter 2: The Child

ThoseWhoWanderAreNotLost »» Wiki Owner »» Narrator

♦ "Down the long lanes of my future, I see what no other has set eyes on..." ♦
Hail Me


Adrienne Lee-Song »» Master of Two »» The Manipulator

♦ "A person's weakness is the same as their strength - it's important to know yours." ♦
Hail Me


Linh Song »» The Girl of Many Floods »» Hydrokinetic

♦ “I became the Girl of Many Floods. And after too many mistakes, my parents had no choice but to let them banish me.” ♦
Hail Me


Kreton Lee »» Helpless Government Official »» Emissary

♦ "I am so powerful in the elvin world, being an emissary and all - and yet I have no power when it comes to my daughter, one who needs me very much." ♦
Hail Me
